Wednesday, 9 July 2014

i havnt posted in ages
so i thought i would do another big post
 recently i lvled up to 17
 and in the space of 5 days ive done loadss
 i got vip again and another top-up, so i went animation crazy aswell as a few new outiess
 ths is a really nice girl
 ths is my idol and my inspirration, mandylovehart
 so i wrote ths in her gb
thn i greeted her and thn ishacool523 and her had an argument over meh o.o
 she sed ths...
 and thn, the next morning, she msged meh in my bd, and started off a gb chat!!
 so, thn cos i got another top up i decided to greet her and thts wot thn got me to 130 kai to go lol
however ths status isnt new its old
so i hav written 135 k but rlly its 130 k :))
baii for now, holly